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ASTRA Proceedings An open-access journal for refereed proceedings in extraterrestrial research
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Articles | Volume 1
ASTRA Proc., 1, 43–49, 2014
ASTRA Proc., 1, 43–49, 2014

  25 Aug 2014

25 Aug 2014

Lyman-α observations of astrospheres

J. L. Linsky1 and B. E. Wood2 J. L. Linsky and B. E. Wood
  • 1JILA, University of Colorado and NIST, Boulder, CO, USA
  • 2US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., USA

Abstract. Charge-exchange reactions between outflowing stellar wind protons and interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms entering a stellar astrosphere produce a region of piled-up-decelerated neutral hydrogen called the hydrogen wall. Absorption by this gas, which is observed in stellar Lyman-α emission lines, provides the only viable technique at this time for measuring the mass-loss rates of F–M dwarf stars. We describe this technique, present an alternative way for understanding the relation of mass-loss rate with X-ray emission, and identify several critical issues.

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