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ASTRA Proceedings An open-access journal for refereed proceedings in extraterrestrial research
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The Sun resides in the so-called Local Bubble, an underdense region, embedded in a dense wall of molecular clouds. This structure is expected to act as an efficient cosmic-ray isotropizer. Using realistic assumptions on the impact of the Local Bubble on cosmic-ray diffusion, we demonstrate that the Local Bubble can dilute the directional information of energetic positrons and electrons in cosmic rays.
Articles | Volume 2
31 Jul 2015
 | 31 Jul 2015

The Local Bubble as a cosmic-ray isotropizer

I. Gebauer, M. Weinreuter, S. Kunz, and D. Gaggero


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Publications Copernicus
Short summary
The Sun resides in the so-called Local Bubble, an underdense region, embedded in a dense wall of molecular clouds. This structure is expected to act as an efficient cosmic-ray isotropizer. Using realistic assumptions on the impact of the Local Bubble on cosmic-ray diffusion, we demonstrate that the Local Bubble can dilute the directional information of energetic positrons and electrons in cosmic rays.