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ASTRA Proceedings An open-access journal for refereed proceedings in extraterrestrial research
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Magnetic fields permeate the interstellar medium (ISM), extending far beyond the Galactic disc. The non-thermal phenomena, like e.g. the Galactic radio emission is doubtless a viable method of observation to clearly delineate the magnetic structure of our Galaxy. In this regard, the aim addressed in this contribution is to simulate the polarized Galactic synchrotron emission, due to the diffuse radiation by charged relativistic particles, at all relevant frequencies, 10 MHz up to 100 GHz.
Articles | Volume 2
22 Sep 2015
 | 22 Sep 2015

Diffuse synchrotron emission from galactic cosmic ray electrons

G. Di Bernardo, D. Grasso, C. Evoli, and D. Gaggero


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Publications Copernicus
Short summary
Magnetic fields permeate the interstellar medium (ISM), extending far beyond the Galactic disc. The non-thermal phenomena, like e.g. the Galactic radio emission is doubtless a viable method of observation to clearly delineate the magnetic structure of our Galaxy. In this regard, the aim addressed in this contribution is to simulate the polarized Galactic synchrotron emission, due to the diffuse radiation by charged relativistic particles, at all relevant frequencies, 10 MHz up to 100 GHz.