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ASTRA Proceedings An open-access journal for refereed proceedings in extraterrestrial research
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We develop a simple diffusive model of the propagation of cosmic rays and the associated cosmic ray anisotropy due to cosmic ray streaming against the local interstellar flow. We show that the local plasma and field conditions sampled by IBEX provide characteristics that consistently explain TeV cosmic ray anisotropies. These results support models that place the interstellar magnetic field direction near the center of the IBEX ribbon.
Articles | Volume 2
08 Sep 2015
 | 08 Sep 2015

A Consistent Scenario for the IBEX Ribbon, Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays, and the Local Interstellar Medium

N. A. Schwadron, P. Frisch, F. C. Adams, E. R. Christian, P. Desiati, H. O. Funsten, J. R. Jokipii, D. J. McComas, E. Moebius, and G. Zank


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Publications Copernicus
Short summary
We develop a simple diffusive model of the propagation of cosmic rays and the associated cosmic ray anisotropy due to cosmic ray streaming against the local interstellar flow. We show that the local plasma and field conditions sampled by IBEX provide characteristics that consistently explain TeV cosmic ray anisotropies. These results support models that place the interstellar magnetic field direction near the center of the IBEX ribbon.